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Become an EBT Retailer

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that authorizes the transfer of a recipient's benefits from a federal account to a business account to pay for products received. EBT is currently used in all 50 states.

Accepting electric benefits transfer (EBT) can boost your business and open up a whole new segment of customers. Accepting Electronic Benefits (EBT) sets you apart from the competition, who may not offer the same benefit. Many companies aren't sure how to start accepting EBT cards or how to become an EBT merchant. If you would like to begin accepting electronic benefits transfer continue reading to learn more about EBT and SNAP and begin accepting EBT today!

SNAP / EBT Benefits

When individuals previously used SNAP, they used paper coupons every time they shopped. Now, most states use a plastic EBT card that works similar to a debit card. An EBT card usually includes SNAP benefits, as well as cash benefits such as unemployment and housing assistance. Every time someone uses an EBT card for food, the amount they spend is automatically deducted from their EBT account and added to the business bank account. When accepting an EBT card, you should see the money deposited into your account within two business days. This benefits your store and also provides a more discreet payment option for those using federal assistance benefits.



​ ​Due to the new Farm Bill Act passed by Congress on Feb 7th 2014 P.L. 113-179, which reauthorizes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) This new bill has eliminated the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) free equipment program for retailers in all of the United States. Retailers must now purchase their EBT /SNAP machine or pos equipment. Any machine or pos equipment can be purchase by calling Tel. 1800-642-9632

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) now SNAP is growing at a tremendous rate. Government programs such as state issued food stamps, Women/ Infants/ Children (WIC) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), issue benefits on an electronic card known as an EBT now SNAP card. The card issued is similar to a debit card, as the cardholder has a specific personal identification number (PIN) that must be used when accessing their funds. To process an EBT /SNAP card, the card is run through an electronic payment system that authorizes the transfer of the card holder's government benefits to the retailer for payment of products received.

In many states EBT /SNAP cards are the primary source for government issued benefits such as food stamps. In fact, more than 80 percent of food stamp benefits that are issued today are issued on EBT /SNAP cards. Many experts predict that other benefits such as social security will also be issued on an EBT card in the future, which will require more merchants to accept the government issued card.

Congress Passed President Biden's American Rescue Plan

Congress passed President Biden’s American Rescue Plan – a historic legislative package that will turn the page on this pandemic, deliver direct relief to Americans, and jump-start our economy.

Call Tel.  1800-642-9633  to speak with an agent and find out how to accept EBT at your business

The Difference Between EBT and SNAP

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federal nutrition program that helps eligible individuals stretch their food budgets and purchase healthy food. The program used to be called food stamps. These benefits are used to purchase food at grocery stores, convenience stores, some farmers' markets and co-op programs. Since SNAP is a federal entitlement program overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), anyone deemed eligible can receive benefits. Electronic benefits transfer is not a cash assistance program, and individuals don't take away benefits from others who apply. EBT is the platform in which the government gives out benefits. Every month, individuals eligible for SNAP get an EBT card that looks like a debit card. The EBT card comes already loaded with benefits, so people can simply visit a business that accepts EBT and use the EBT card to purchase food through the SNAP program.


Store Eligibility Requirements

SNAP authorized stores must meet one of two staple food requirements:

  • Criterion A - staple food inventory; or

  • Criterion B - staple food sales

Staple foods are the basic foods that make up a significant portion of a person’s diet. They are usually prepared at home and eaten as a meal. They do not include prepared foods, heated foods, or accessory foods.

Staple food categories:

  1. vegetables or fruits

  2. dairy products

  3. meat, poultry, or fish

  4. breads or cereals

Criterion A













A store must have 3 stocking units of 3 different varieties for each staple food category on a continuous basis. For 2 staple food categories, there must be at least 1 perishable variety. Most stores are authorized under Criterion A.



Criterion B
A store must have more than 50 percent of its total gross retail sales from the sale of staple foods. Specialty stores, like butcher shops, are often authorized under Criterion B










Determination of authorization


An applicant shall provide sufficient data and information on the nature and scope of the firm's business for FNS to determine whether the applicant's participation will further the purposes of the program. Upon request, an applicant shall provide documentation to FNS to verify information on the application. Such information may include, but is not limited to, State and local business licenses, Social Security cards, drivers' licenses, photographic identification cards, bills of sale, deeds, leases, sales contracts, State certificates of incorporation, sales records, invoice records and business-related tax records. 

    Retail food stores and wholesale food concerns and other entities eligible for authorization also shall be required to sign a release form which will authorize FNS to verify all relevant business related tax filings with appropriate agencies. In addition, they must obtain corroborating documentation from other sources as deemed necessary to ensure the legitimacy of applicant firms, as well as the accuracy of information provided by the stores and concerns. Failure to comply with any request for information or failure to sign a written release form shall result in denial of the application for authorization or withdrawal of a firm or concern from the program.

EBT SNAP criterionB
EBT SNAP Criterion

your EBT/Food-Stamp processing equipment without interruption to your EBT transactions and services.

The federal government has made changes to your state's EBT merchant accounts. All merchants are required to supply their own equipment to continue to process EBT payments and accept payment with an EBT card. Merchants can now accept all transactions (EBT, Visa/MasterCard, and PIN based debit) through one piece of equipment.

EBT WIC logo

Retailers can choose from one of our new POS systems to accept EBT/SNAP.
New businesses can now bundle Visa, Master Card, Amx and Debit / Atm with their EBT equipment . Ask us about setting up EBT on your ATM Machine.
Pay nothing down on lease Equipment.



Generally, SNAP does not allow participants to redeem benefits at restaurants. Your firm is considered a restaurant if more than 50% of your total gross retail sales come from sales of hot or cold prepared foods intended for immediate consumption. Only restaurants located in a State that operates the Restaurant Meals Program (RMP) State Option can participate in SNAP.

EBT Green Grocery Selection
EBT Processing Solutions
EBT Retailer Application Services, services more that 50,000 retailers nationwide. We are professionals who are passionate about making our clients feel great when conducting business. Our solutions provide scalable, flexible, and adaptable solutions to a broad range of government services. We are a first stop for new and existing retailers, service business and Municipal agencies.
Important information about the FNS program:

If your business has be disqualified permanently from the program you may not apply for SNAP, however you can apply to accept EBT cash benefits. EBT cash benefits is a separate program from SNAP. You can contact us by phone or email for more information.
EBT POS Pinpad
Display of EBT SNAP Food
EBT Wireless Machine

Please be aware SNAP permits are not transferable. Choose from a selection of POS equipment or machines.


EBT Acceptance Information

Can I accept the  EBT card in US territories? Yes you can. 

The EBT card is used in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Guam.

A retailer applying for EBT must now sign a four year processing agreement with EBT Retailer Application Services.  This is a separate agreement from the  USDA's FNS application permit process and agreement. Cash acceptance benefits take about 24 to 48 hours for approval from submission of application.

Nationwide EBT sTATES

EBT is called by different names in some states eg: Texas - (Lone Star)  Idaho - (Quest Card)  Florida - (Access Card)  California - ( Cal Fresh)  Remember all cards are still referred to as Electronic Benefit Transfer Cards (EBT).  Snap is  referred to as Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program. The program cost the U.S Government about 85 billions dollars a year to run. It part of the USDA food program for the poor. 



SNAP food program is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service (FNS). Retailers FNS applications are processed by the the USDA.



A merchant sometime must wait up to 45 days for any reply from the USDA. Some merchant's locations may require a site inspection. In these cases a third party private company may perform the site inspection for the USDA.

EBT Customers
EBT SNAP RMP Locations

Retailers can now be approved for EBT cash benefits within 24 to 48 hours.

Shopping for EBT SNAP Selected Items
ebt retailers application
EBT Selected Locations
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